What it takes to be a Soccer Striker/Forward - Lfc hk


Football or Soccer has been around for a long time in one form or the other but the football or soccer that we have today has its origins that date back to the mid 19th century. Ever since the game has grown in popularity and fan following with over 200 countries playing the sport with over 60 countries having Soccer (Football) as their national sport.

Out of all the positions in Football, the striker or forward position must be the most glamorous and a definate "ticket to fame" if you are a good one. It is undeniable that strikers posses most of the skills required for the sport as their main responsibility is to score goals for the team which is the main objective. Over the years strikers such as Fernando Torres (Spain, Liverpool FC) , Ronaldo (Brazil, Corinthians) , Didier Drogba (Ivory Coast, Chelsea FC), Wayne Rooney (England, Manchester United FC) and Lionel Messi (Argentina, FC Barcelona) have been the highlight when they are playing for their national team or clubs.

So what does it take to be a good striker. Well it is easier said than done. Strikers need to have what I like to call, "PASS-IF-B".

Possession: In order for the striker to have a chance with the goal, he needs to have possession when he is in a fix till a window of opportunity opens up. Sometimes having the ball for that extra moment can be the difference between a match won and lost.

Agility: As football or Soccer is a fast game, opportunities can come in an instant and taking advantage of that by an over head kick or a diving header can make a difference. Having Agility will help the striker take care of opportunities especially when they are not running out of time.

Speed: Being at the right place at the right time is definitely the best way to score but reaching that right place does need speed. Having the speed to out run you opponent and reach that opportunity is what strikers need to score.

Stamina: What is the difference between a Cheetah and Lion. Although Cheetahs can get to the objective faster yet they might be able to do it over and over again. Strikers unlike the cheetah need to have the stamina and speed in order to be ready for any opportunity that may present it self at any time.

Intelligence: Strikers need to be quick on the ground and quick on their field in order to create opportunities. Being able to judge what the other team is doing can put the striker in a position for him to score. Know your next move, just like in Chess.

Finishing: What if the Striker gets his opportunity, gets past the defenders and reaches the goal. Now the only thing between him and the goal is the goal keeper and the striker shoots the ball wide. Without finishing a striker is like a raw diamond, worthless.

Ball control: Unless or until the striker knows how to handle the ball he would not be able to keep possession, have agility that would matter, use his speed and stamina effectively, be able to do what he has thought of and Finish the run. Ball control is what every player has to have but without it a striker will be useless.


Published at www.liverpoolfchk.com


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