5 Tips To Build Stamina - Lfc hk


Building stamina is essential for many sports which include football, boxing, swimming, tennis and many more. All sports require different types of fitness but generally speaking most of the mainstream sports in the world require good levels of stamina to be able to compete competitively for entire matches.

If you look at footballers they have some of the best stamina of all sports and have to be able to run constantly for a full ninety minutes of intense match play and in some games even longer when they go into additional time.

You need to get ready for your training, so get on your favourite football shirt on to train in such as your Barcelona shirt, and below we have researched 5 top tips to develop your stamina effectively.

1. Running each week is a very good way to develop your long distance stamina but many people struggle to maintain this schedule and so you need to try and run just twice a week. If you can make 2 days a week your running days; so for example Wednesday and Sunday then this is a great way to get into a routine for your running. If you set yourself an unrealistic goal such as everyday then you will probably get de-motivated as this is a bit too intense unless you are training for a specific reason. A good distance to target is anything between 5 and 10 miles as this is a perfect amount to challenge your long distance stamina.

2. Skipping is a lovely exercise to get into and if you can get in the habit of skipping for 30 minutes every other night then this can work wonders on your fitness. Two essential things you need to be able to skip for this amount of time is good music with a nice beat and a mirror so that you can see your form.

3. In the gym you can often find a cross trainer machine and this is definitely an ideal machine to help your whole body workout. If you use this effectively it can make a real difference in your fitness and your stamina but it requires you to be on it for at least 40 minutes and to have quite a high resistance.

4. A good exercise that is often over looked is cycling and doing this a few times a week can really help your stamina. Again this can be found in the gym but if you want to really push yourself you can get down to the local park or forest and take you bike off road. This gives the experience a bit of adrenaline and also can make you work much harder than just sitting stationary in the gym.

5. Any form of training session at a club such as football, rugby or even boxing is essential for fitness. Also by having this variation in your weekly workouts it encourages you to work different muscles at different intensities which helps your stamina improve.

Jon works for J21Media, an online marketing company that specilaises in seo and is working alongside Soccerbox who focus in retailing official football shirts such as Liverpool shirt, Real Madrid shirt, Barcelona shirt and many more. ??


Published at www.liverpoolfchk.com

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