The Most Attachment Cities in Europe - a Beautiful Dream - Lfc hk

Today we will talk something about the most attachment cities in Europe.

1, Contract for life - Milan

Because you are too familiar with the city so you do not want to praise it, because you cannot marry a person, so you are willing to marry a city.

2, Turn right at the left bank - Paris

A river divide the city into two parts, the left bank is free and easy while the right bank is solemn. Paris is so beautiful that you even cannot express it or paint it. You only can imagine it simply and think it just like the closet and you have to choose the most beautiful. Standing at the left bank then turn right.

3, Holidays are continued - Rome

Thousands of years of history, overnight turned into a holiday paradise, it is Rome. If you are too lazy to manage the history so please just pay attention to the hair salon barber, then put the sleeves rolled to the arm, gently skirt, then find a stiff reporter, telling him that I am a princess.

4, Romance and wandering - Barcelona

A church and a street cover the essence of the city. The city's main road called the Road Rangers we can see that the theme of the city is wandering. Perhaps on a moonlit night, you and your love go to church together, and then leave, and play a game wandering.

5, Protect sea of love - Athens

Wind in the heart, willing to life after life guard sea of love. It is Athens.

6, Pure corruption - Monaco

Monaco is very small, but it is endowment of land of the riches. Because of too much money and private yachts, Monaco tainted corruption. But it is still the heaven of enjoyment and money.

7, Rational Transformation - Prague

A city built on seven hills, above the river there are ten different patterns bridges. The city is charming enough, coupled with the literary master, Kafka and others. So the ration of this city will never distort.

8, View of the ball after drunk - Munich

Beer, Benz, BMW, Volkswagen, and Bayern are the pride of Munich. In Munich, you can not guarantee that the city still rich in the flavor of Germany's strict, what you can do is only engrossed in the city, pick up the beer, and view of the ball, forget your name and identity, forget yesterday and tomorrow. It is leisure.

9, Pork of rock and football - Liverpool

Liverpool is known around the world for two reasons. First, the great rock band the Beatles was born here, and secondly, there are all-powerful Red Army club in Liverpool. However, this city still feel not enough, the world famous University of Liverpool's music and football program is unique in the world.

10, The faith of master - Vatican

Vatican is the smallest country in the world, it is located in the northwest corner of Rome, it is a leading center for the Catholic Church. St. Peter's Basilica dome and church are all Michelangelo's masterpiece. Hall of sculptures, paintings and gold products, amazing artistic achievements, look up the Cardinal, the master past away while faith is eternal.

11, Deep alleys - Sevilla

There is no fixed theme in this city, anything can happen. Deep alleys are free and you can wander.

12, Businessman not sleep - Venice

This city is the pearl of the Adriatic Sea, and is a city of awe-inspiring. Venice, this city is charming. You can relax yourself.

These cities are charming and beautiful. You really should pay a visit. Let us move on.


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